Friday, October 29, 2010

One way we could reduce the severity of the cuts - Sammy Wilson, East Antrim – HearFromYourMP
On close examination the policies which the climate change zealots propose are frightening. Their demands about changing the way we eat would make wartime rationing look generous, their restrictions on air and car travel would take us back to the 1950s in terms of mobility and access to travel for ordinary people (though not of course for the climate experts who need to travel millions of miles to spread their new gospel) their demand that the population of the UK needs to be halved would make China’s one child birth control policy seem mild and one of the climate gurus James Lovelock has even suggested that we may need to suspend democracy to drive through climate changing measures. All of these crazy ideas may seem so far fetched that we disregard them but the cost of climate change policies are already being paid by us all every day.
The cuts which we will have to introduce in N.I. as our share of the national financial burden will be difficult and need to be faced by politicians and the public alike. They will also be immediate, impacting on the quality of life, the job prospects and the economic wellbeing of everyone. I think that most people will rightly question the wisdom of reducing spending on new schools, quicker operations for the ill, a home for the homeless now, whilst throwing money away in the vain hope that in doing so we might reduce the world temperate by a fraction of a degree a hundred years in the future.

Stepping back from the climate change madness which has gripped the political establishment will not solve our financial difficulties entirely but it might reduce the size of the pill which we have to swallow.

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