Monday, October 04, 2010

Quadrant Online - Climate inquiry needed
What worries me is that our fate seems to be in the hands of true believers, akin to religious fanatics, who have no first-hand involvement with the science. How do they get so sure of themselves?
Climate Lessons: Terrorise the children, control the adults: - a behavioural change strategy at work
By those who want to reduce the levels of a trace gas vital for plantlife.

Why? Superficially, because they believe that computer models designed to show a big effect of CO2 actually mean that CO2 has a big effect.

But deep down, it seems more likely that they just hate humanity. Weird, or what?

One day, teachers will refuse to teach the junk 'science' of CO2 alarmism, and the junk geography, sociology, and politics that drive it. They will react with anger when 'sensitise the children', and 'behavioural change', and 'sustainable biodiversity', and 'carbon footprint', and all the other apparatus of indoctrination is pushed at them to push in their classes.
Delivering Messages Is Not Communicating | Watts Up With That?
None of it is working right now. They literally cannot admit uncertainty, and they have lost the aura of invincibility–or at least authority. Criticism of the major skeptical figures hasn’t worked in the past–Lindzen, Spencer, Christy and others do not appear to have been damaged by accusations of tobacco use and being religious, and the screaming about conservative rich people giving liberal amounts of money to conservative think tanks is too obviously hypocritical when balanced against the amounts of money available to the establishment position. And it certainly hasn’t worked against new critics, such as Steve McIntyre or our host here.

The 10:10 video ‘No Pressure’ is a new symbol–not one that the Establishment will cherish. It’s a symbol of failure to communicate. They sent a message all right, just as the WWF, Stephen Schneider and Scholars and Rogues sent messages.

But they’re not listening–and so in the end they cannot communicate.
Ken Lay to California I: BLOCK the PROP (A.B. 32 is ‘An Ounce of Global-Warming Prevention’) — MasterResource
“It’s time to stop debating the issues surrounding climate change initiatives and focus instead on simple, realistic, cost-effective solutions. This is one area where an ounce of near-term prevention will be worth considerably more than a pound of cure later on.”

- Ken Lay, “Let’s Have an Ounce of Global-Warming Prevention,” December 1997.

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