Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Al Gore to receive honorary degree from Tilburg University < Dutch news | Expatica The Netherlands
Former US vice president Al Gore is to receive an honorary degree from Tilburg University. The degree will be presented on 23 November, when Mr Gore is due to hold a lecture at the university and open the Tilburg Sustainability Centre TSC.

A spokesperson for the university says the former vice president is to receive the honorary degree for his huge contribution "to drawing attention to the importance of sustainability".

Mr Gore's lecture in Tilburg will focus on the global economic and political consequences of climate change. A dozen students will speak with him after the lecture. Extensive security measures will be in place during the visit.
Sea Level : Another IPCC Scandal? | Real Science
Dr. Nils-Axel Mörner : Claim That Sea Level Is Rising Is a Total Fraud
Newthink « the Air Vent
Why does he keep writing these things when the Oil industry is primarily funding pro-AGW climate work? You have to wonder what good he thinks this does, is the public too stupid to realize that ‘big oil’ is in on the same side of ‘big AGW’ industry as Mann is? The real meat of the thing is to attack a conservative (Cuccinelli) with exaggerations of fact and hopefully prevent the exposure of his email collection which is almost certainly full of very nice goodies that would make climategate look like a cloud of cow methane in the wind. He’s too much of an extremist political activist and there are too many clues in the East Anglia emails of his wrongdoing in the name of the greater good. — as his enlightened mind sees it of course.

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