Saturday, November 20, 2010

American Thinker: Brave Old World
The effort to discredit global warming skeptics is warming up globally. Australian blogger Graham Readfearn reports on Naomi Oreskes' speaking tour of Australia....
The Polar Amplifier Has Blown A Woofer | Real Science
Polar Amplification is the most fundamental precept of global warming, yet temperatures at the South Pole (fastest warming place on Earth) have been far below normal.

And temperatures at the North Pole (fastest warming place on Earth) are also running cold, after the coldest summer on record.

Global warming theory has a terminal cancer, and it is time for a second opinion from some new doctors.
Thomas E. Bowman,1 Edward Maibach,2 Michael E. Mann,3 Richard C. J. Somerville,4 Barry J. Seltser,5 Baruch Fischhoff,6 Stephen M. Gardiner,7 Robert J. Gould,8 Anthony Leiserowitz,9 Gary Yohe10

According to broad international agreement, a global warming increase beyond 2°C is unacceptable (1).
Because the potential consequences of climate change are so high, the science community has an obligation to help people, organizations, and governments make informed decisions. Yet existing institutions are not well-suited to this task.
Despite the politically contentious nature of climate change policy, the initiative must be strictly nonpartisan. In the face of efforts to undermine public confidence in science, it must become a trusted broker of unbiased information for people on all sides of the issue.

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