Thursday, November 25, 2010

- Bishop Hill blog - FOI and scientists
It has been said before, but let's just repeat it once more for the benefit of Griffiths, Corner and Bell: if a commercial company, in a listing prospectus, had done what Jones et al did in the Nature trick, the directors would have been jailed. It's very disappointing to see the Royal Statistical Society apparently condoning this sort of behaviour, and serious academics giving it the nod. You would have thought they placed a higher value on their reputations.
Q&A: Yvo de Boer, KPMG's special global adviser, climate change and sustainability
The shift has been fun and there is a huge enthusiasm on the business side to see new opportunities to save the climate and grow in a new way by doing so. Some see it as a threat while others view climate change as an opportunity.
No one sacked or demoted over Rudd's deadly insulation scheme | The Australian
NO politician or bureaucrat has been held responsible for Kevin Rudd's disastrous home insulation scheme.

The federal government confirmed this yesterday.

Even as police continue to investigate whether a series of house fires, some involving fatalities, were linked to the scheme, the government admitted no one had been sacked or demoted over the program, under which taxpayers funded the installation of insulation material in tens of thousands of homes.
BBC - RSPB call to help wild birds feed during cold weather
As cold weather heads into Lancashire, the RSPB is reminding us that birds need our help to endure the conditions.

During cold snaps, birds struggle to find the natural food they need and have to rely on us.

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