Wednesday, November 10, 2010

- Bishop Hill blog - Journos come running
As soon as the global warming movement puts out the call, much of the press simply comes running, ready to repeat the mantra on request. The latest to involve themselves in the Mann media movement is MSN.
Two-faced world spends billions on climate help, fossil fuel • The Register
Iran for example spends $100bn a year on energy subsidies. That's some 12 or 13 per cent of its entire economy. And yes, very large parts of that go to subsidising petrol. You can see it from the point of view of the average fellaheen in the street: we've got loads of oil so why shouldn't it be cheap? Yet the incredibly low prices mean that there's not enough refining capacity in the country so they export crude, buy petrol at world prices on the world market and then sell it for less than cost in Teheran filling stations. No wonder the place is near broke.
Glacier boffins rubbish IPCC apocalypse claims • The Register
the spectre of imminent thirst and/or starvation for billions by 2035 from melting glaciers would appear to have been confirmed as the worst kind of alarmist scaremongering
Desperate Days For Global Warm-ongers -
...the global warming believers think their "messaging" is the problem — not the message itself.

But that notion has as many holes in it as the global warming theory. The media have eagerly bought into, zealously spread and protectively nurtured the man-made global warming story. It fits their narrative: Corporations are malevolent, and conspicuous consumption by anyone outside their elitist circle is immoral.

The media have not been objective by any measure and have, in fact, campaigned as hard as any group for cap-and-trade and other schemes to cut carbon emissions and add to the taxpayer and consumer burdens. There's been no shortage of rapid responses to any criticism of global warming claims.

While the thinking on the issue keeps getting clearer, global warming hysteria is still with us.

But it can't last much longer. That's why believers are trying to squeeze as much from it as possible before it's gone.

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