Monday, November 01, 2010

Final Phase of Global Warming War and Another Legal Defeat for Doomsayers by John O'Sullivan, guest post at Climate Realists | Climate Realists
Climate science is complex and to many people hard to fathom, but you don't need to be a scientist to sense fraud when key global temperature data is destroyed or withheld from public examination.
Book 'Chasing the Sun': How scientists diminished the Sun by Richard Cohen | Climate Realists
This is a blatant attempt to enlist your help over my book on the Sun, which I have at last finished, just five years late, and which comes out on 1 November in the UK (9th in the U.S.), price £30. Apart from the amazing news that already you can buy it on Amazon for just £15, where I need your help is over a talk I am giving at Waterstone's Piccadilly at 7.00 p.m. on Monday 1 November.
- Bishop Hill blog - UEA Literary Festival
The University of East Anglia is holding a literary festival in November. Strangely, they haven't invited me to speak, but there is at least one event that should prove interesting:

Sir John Houghton, Phil Jones and Sir David King - Friday 12 November 2010.

If anyone is going, a report would be welcome.
Halloween Hangover: Ehrlich, Holdren, Hansen Unretracted — MasterResource
“If I were a gambler, I would take even money that England will not exist in the year 2000.”

- Paul Ehrlich, quoted in Julian Simon, The Ultimate Resource 2, (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1996), p. 35.

As University of California physicist John Holdren has said, it is possible that carbon-dioxide climate-induced famines could kill as many as a billion people before the year 2020.”

- Paul Ehrlich, The Machinery of Nature, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1986, p. 274.

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