Friday, November 26, 2010

Global warming is slowing down, say scientists | Mail Online
The rate at which global temperatures are rising has slowed in the past decade, scientists said today.

In a report published today, the Met Office said the recent decrease seen in the rate of warming was the result of natural variation in the weather and pollution.

Scientists say one of the major reasons for the decrease in global warming is the rise in heavy industry and pollutant 'aerosols', particularly in Asia.
EU Referendum: Talking the usual garbage
" ... while the UK is currently experiencing a cold snap and last year had the harshest winter for 30 years, the scientists said the evidence for man-made global warming had grown even stronger in the past year." Thus does Vicky Pope of the Met Office say that for global warming it was important to look at the global picture - which last year saw many parts of the world experience very warm temperatures even while the UK was gripped by snow and ice.

And she said: "We are starting to see changes in the climate even in the UK which we can link to global warming. We're seeing more heatwaves and seeing fewer of these cold winters."
Johann Hari: There won't be a bailout for the earth - Johann Hari, Commentators - The Independent
Why are the world’s governments bothering? Why are they jetting to Cancun next week to discuss what to do now about global warming? The vogue has passed. The fad has faded. Global warming is yesterday’s apocalypse. Didn’t somebody leak an email that showed it was all made up? Doesn’t it sometimes snow in the winter? Didn’t Al Gore get fat, or something?

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