Wednesday, November 17, 2010

How the Climategate weasels wriggled free – Telegraph Blogs
Translate Hulme’s speech from academese into plain English and what it actually means is something like this: “All right. You rumbled us on Climate Change. But that’s OK. There’s always ocean acidification. And biodiversity. And whatever urgent crisis we dream up next….”

Like the Bourbons, the watermelons of the global green movement have learned nothing and forgotten nothing from Climategate. For them, AGW has never been about science or objective truth. It has always been just a pretext.

Or, metatext, perhaps, if your name is Mike Hulme.
Drought On The Decline | Real Science
In 1934, 80% of the US experienced drought. Since then, the area of drought has declined dramatically.
Less than 20% of the country is experiencing drought at present.
Dems move on from cap-and-trade - Print View
Senate Democrats who championed climate change legislation before its collapse this year met behind closed doors Tuesday to pick up the pieces and map out their strategy for next year.

Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.), who arranged the meeting, acknowledged that cap-and-trade legislation is dead. But he and others see room for passing smaller energy bills with bipartisan support.

There was a “clear understanding” around the table that, “whether we like it or not, cap-and-trade has no chance of passage in the next Congress,” Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.), who co-authored the climate bill, told POLITICO.
Arnie Still Worried About Global Warming | Real Science
Temperatures in California have been well below normal this year, so with unemployment over 12%, Arnie continues his global warming crusade. He apparently wants temperatures down further and unemployment up further.

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