Monday, November 15, 2010

Top words of 2010 evoke Gulf oil disaster, loud horns at soccer games -
"snowmagedon," a hybrid of "snow" and "Armageddon" that was used to describe record snowfalls in the United States' east coast and northern Europe last winter, according to the Monitor.
The top words of the decade were global warming, 9/11 and Obama.
Governator hosts global warming fraudsters « Co2 Insanity
So who’s there besides Ahnold? We have Rajendra Pachauri there, the IPCC chair of “Climategate” fame, who seems to like to BS everybody about those Himalayan glaciers melting by 2035 and other assorted things; Harrison Ford, actor and evidently now self-proclaimed “environmentalist” better known as another Hollywood actor who probably wouldn’t know global warming if it hit him in the face; Prince Charles, who rides around Britain in an old train that runs on biofuel and tells everyone to save energy and lower their carbon footprint; we have several people from China, who must have come to California to see their pollution that blows across the Pacific Ocean to California; Sansjui Lamido and another guy from Nigeria, perhaps here to try the Nigerian Scam out on Ahnold; Mary Nichols, from the California Air Resources Board who likes hiring people with mail-order PhD’s and inflating diesel emissions figures by 340%; and a host of others who must buy into the anthropogenic global warming fraud either from ignorance or making huge profits.

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