Sunday, November 28, 2010

Warmist and junk scientist Andrew Weaver: Climate scientists are "a collective Noah"

It's hard to be a climate scientist when dinosaurs are making the calls
The UVic climatologist [Andrew Weaver], sputtering words like "unbelievable" and "dictator" and "shocking affront to democracy," says he hopes the opposition will force Harper's minority government to fall. "He's got to get kicked out. This is Canada, not Zimbabwe . . . or maybe it is.
Climate scientists are "a collective Noah," Weaver says. They have done their job, given the evidence to the politicians — only to be ignored. Weaver, the author of Keeping Cool: Canada in a Warming World, also had a key role when the Nobel Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued its report in 2007. People like him must be tempted to throw their hands in the air and walk away, particularly when constantly challenged by the half-informed.

"Mainstream media, could you please stop pitting the ignorant versus the educated and framing it as a debate?" asked U.S. political commentator Bill Maher in a YouTube piece that Weaver loves.

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