Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Who is driving the campaign against climate science? - Radio National Breakfast - 15 November 2010
Author and history professor Naomi Oreskes argues that doubt and confusion about climate science has been, in part, driven by some of the individuals who encouraged governments to delay or deflect action on issues like tobacco smoking and acid rain.
Beds to be reduced at Ruthin Hospital in winter reshuffle - Your Vale
And the size of community health teams would be bolstered to look after more patients in their own homes over the winter months.

Spelling out the strategy to cover the cold spell, where hospital admissions traditionally go up, a spokesman for the health board said: “The health service is developing comprehensive plans so that it is well placed to cope with increased emergency admissions during the winter period.
Tria Donaldson: World has one more shot at climate change deal in Cancun
The grim reality is that unless we turn back the clock on climate change, my generation and the generations that come after us will not have a lot of certainty about what to expect from good ol’ Mother Nature. Everything from wild salmon migration patterns to the life cycles of B.C.’s iconic forests to the very food we can grow to sustain ourselves will be forever altered.

But in the face of this uncertainty about the future, there is one thing I am certain of: we can stop this.

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