Thursday, November 25, 2010

Youth activists plan co-operation over protest at Cancún climate summit | Environment |
Reed Aronow of SustainUS said activists will lead a "series of creative actions and campaigns" in Cancun centered on getting both meaningful treaty text and climate change legislation in the United States.

Their biggest Cancun campaign, run in conjunction with the Energy Action Coalition, will be the grassroots Rapid Response Network. Organizers will enlist a crew of U.S.-based "climate responders" who will be called on to take action at home when big developments happen in Cancun.
Their other tactics may ring a more familiar note. Among planned protests, youth activists, dressed as penguins, will hold signs that read, "Save the humans," in what they're calling the "March of the Penguins."
Copenhagen climate activists found guilty | Environment |
Two Danish activists who took part in the Copenhagen climate demonstrations last December have been found guilty of organising and instigating violence and vandalism, and have both been given four-month suspended sentences. One of the three judges in the case disagreed with the verdict.
During a scuffle with police, Nyboe and Jonassen were filmed standing on a lorry shouting "push" into microphones. Over the course of the trial their supporters posted photographs of themselves holding signs reading: "I too shouted push!"
California faces cold Thanksgiving holiday
Los Angeles County health officials reminded residents Wednesday that shelters were available for people trying to escape the chill.
NASA reports that there has been no reduction in the global warming trend that began in the late 1970s.

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