Sunday, December 05, 2010

Corporate America's Carbon Offsetter Wants U.S. Out of Cancun | National Legal and Policy Center
Surprisingly it appears that the U.S. Climate Action Partnership, which is a collaboration of some of the largest environmental groups with several large corporations (including Alcoa, Chrysler, Dow Chemical, Duke Energy, Ford Motor Company, General Electric, General Motors, Johnson and Johnson, and PepsiCo), has no interest in what's happening in Cancun. In fact, it doesn't look like they have updated their Website since June. No urgings for immediate action. No warnings of impending doom if an agreement is delayed. And surprise, concern about sea level rise at the Mexican coastal resort.

It's clear this isn't about global temperatures (was it ever?), but instead a command-and-control economy and those who can make lots of money from it. Cap-and-trade is dead, and it appears those who followed the Enron model to the trough have moved on.
EU Referendum: It's the politics stoopid
As always, look at a scare and you will find that science is only the dressing. At the heart, you will find it's the politics stoopid. It always is.

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