Monday, December 20, 2010

Could someone explain why global warming has to be a disaster? – Telegraph Blogs
I really had not smiled so much since I had recently enjoyed a chat over tea with a distinguished warmist. I listened with care to what he was saying about the rise in the temperature of our planet and the disasters that would bring upon us all, then asked him what would be the benign effects of a warmer climate. The question seemed to puzzle him. I suggested that if Greenland could again grow wheat and barley as it did 1100 or 1200 years ago it might be quite helpful in feeding the hungry. I was told that already the Russians were worried about the thawing of the perma frost. I asked if he had read about the recent discovery there of the remains of a baby mammoth beneath the ice which would seem to my untutored mind to show that in earlier times there must have been vegetation there since mammoths cannot feed on ice. Perhaps, I wondered if the world got warmer, there could be again.

Sadly, he lost interest in the conversation, but perhaps one of my blog readers will be able to explain why restoring the world to temperatures it survived in the past would be an unmitigated disaster in the future.

1 comment:

Shug Niggurath said...

You might enjoy these posts in what appears to be a set of 12 to be posted, a kind of 12months of AGW:

The Decline of the Global Warming Scam Part 1 - January

Index to all AGW posts on Tory Aardvark