Saturday, December 18, 2010

LA Times promotes the stunningly clueless Arnold Schwarzenegger for energy czar: With Arnold in charge, will we all soon be relaxing in gigantic solar-powered Jacuzzis?

Schwarzenegger could see himself in Washington | PolitiCal | Los Angeles Times
Then, asked if he would consider a post in the Obama administration, he said yes and began to riff on his credentials. "I’m a very big believer in environmental issues," said the governor, who considers legislation to combat global warming one of his major achievements in office. "I’ve traveled the world.... I’m very familiar with the world."

The governor went on to say that he would like to work on public policy issues in which he could have an impact "with my celebrity power, and also my knowledge and experience."

Once out of office, he said, he "has plans to go back to Washington with Secretary [George] Schultz and others" to push for a new approach to energy policy. He said the country needs to bring Democrats and Republicans together on energy policies that both sides can agree on in order to reduce dependence on foreign oil and become competitive, "rather than always talking about global warming, which turns some people off."

Schwarzenegger said he has credibility on that issue, and "people are very receptive when I talk about these things because I’m a Hummer driver … not a tree hugger."

Anyone need an energy czar?
Flashback: Arnold's (green) Jacuzzi | Greenspace | Los Angeles Times
[Schwarzenegger] All of those things did not work because the fact of the matter is the people should use a big television set -- but it should be powered by solar.

They should go and sit in the Jacuzzi, in the biggest Jacuzzi in the world -- but it should be powered by solar.

They should fly their airplane whenever they want -- but it should have maybe a different kind of designed engine so we don't use fossil fuel.

Or they should go and stay in their SUVs and in their Hummers -- but maybe have that Hummer be powered by electric motors or something like that.

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