Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Review & Outlook: The Wind Subsidy Bubble - WSJ.com
Green pork should be a GOP budget target.
Climate Change Dispatch - Exposing the fraud in the so-called consensus
He beat back Obamacare, so let's hope Cuccinelli can do the same with the CO2 religion
Snow in summer - Sydney Morning Herald blames "climate change" | Australian Climate Madness
So when snow fell in the New South Wales mountains yesterday, at the height of the southern hemisphere summer, the Moonbat Herald blames climate change in the first sentence of its report this morning:
EU Referendum: Tectonic plates
Tired and edgy, Hammond is having to defend the indefensible and so is the BBC. Its News 24 programme did a lengthy special on the crisis, and managed to do so without once mentioning global warming. But that is the issue on everyone's mind. Tectonic plates are grinding together and the upheaval is only just beginning.

On the other front, Huhne's wet dream about wind power is looking more and more absurd. At the time of writing, electricity generation reports had coal-fired power stations taking a thrashing, delivering 43 percent of available power, with wind contributing a farcical 0.1 percent, a trivial 44MW out of an installed, metered capacity of 2,430MW. The man's ideas about wind taking up the slack are totally unrealistic. Actually, they are barking mad.

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