Wednesday, January 12, 2011

AmSpecBlog : Dim Bulbs
Now that the 2011 House is in session, members are lining up to co-sponsor a repeal of the Fred Upton "Too Much Heat, Not Enough Light" Incandescent Light Bulb Ban.

Except, heh-heh -- you dunderheads -- it's not really a ban on incandescents, as a smarter-than-everyone-else reporter from The News & Record of Greensboro, NC explains
Got that? It's not really a ban, except for retailers, and for people who want to pay 32 times what they used to pay for the Edison bulbs. So get over it.
Bizarro World: Alert for Scam Global Warming Conferences!
Dear Friends in the climate community.

Lee Schipper and I are writing to alert you about a group of criminals who have been targeting the climate and environmental communities through email messages announcing fake conferences.
EU Referendum: Fail!
Further to our report earlier today, the Voice of Russia tells us that the Krasin and Admiral Makarov have failed to tow the ice-trapped Sodruzhestvo out of thick ice at first go today. According to Fishery Minister Andrei Krainy, the tow ropes broke, so the rescue effort will have to be repeated.

Why are we not surprised?
Shock News : Arizona Almost As Hot As It Was In The 19th Century | Real Science

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