Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Big Storms Yes, Global Warming No - Rasmussen Reports™
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds, in fact, that just 32% of Adults think global warming is causing the increase in the number of major storms like the recent blizzards. A plurality (45%) says global warming is not the reason for the recent storms, and another 23% are not sure. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

However, 41% do think it's more likely that the Earth is going through global warming than that the planet is about to enter a new mini-Ice Age. Seventeen percent (17%) say it's more likely that we're entering a new Ice Age. Twenty-nine percent (29%) see no major climate change coming, and 13% are undecided.
Fifty-six percent (56%) of Democrats believe global warming is causing an increase in major storms, but 70% of Republicans and 47% of unaffiliated adults feel otherwise.

African-Americans and adults of other ethnicities are much more likely than whites to think global warming is to blame for the storms.

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