Friday, January 21, 2011

Daniel Firger: What Hu's Washington Visit Says About Climate Change
Climate change is not high on the list of issues for negotiation when President Hu sits down with President Obama at the White House on Wednesday.
10 GOP presidential contenders, 10 different ways to screw the climate | Grist
We've checked out the leading (or at least famous) hopefuls for the Republican presidential nomination and found that all of them vociferously oppose cap-and-trade systems -- including a few who had to flip-flop to get there. On climate science, there's more variety, ranging from loud denial to muddled semi-denial. Get the dirt on the 10 possible candidates here.
Europe’s carbon trading suspended after fraudsters hit - again | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
The trade in hot air is an open invitation to a fraudster:
The Migrant Mind: Where is the rejoicing?
Where is the rejoicing??? We have heard years of whines and complaints about the Arctic ice melting and (wipe my eyes free of the tears) how this is killing the (wipe them again, sob, sniff) pretty polar bears.

But when the Arctic Ice is, as it is now, ABOVE the long term average, there is SILENCE, not cheering from those most vocal about saving the (gotta wipe a few more tears here, sigh, wait a minute while I compose myself).....polar bear who can't fend for himself if we don't (loud crying here) stop using fossil fuels. Today the Arctic ice is above the long term (1979-2008) average. Where is the cheering?

Could it be that the lack of cheering is because polar bears are really only a pawn in their political gamesmanship? The polar bear isn't what they are worried about, it is political control.

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