Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Democrats say hottest year on record a wake-up call on global warming - The Hill's E2-Wire
Sen. John Kerry and other advocates for climate change legislation say data showing that 2010 was tied for the hottest year on record should prompt action.

“How many times do we have to be smacked in the face with factual evidence before we address global climate change? Report after report keep confirming it’s getting worse every year,” Kerry (D-Mass.) said in a statement Wednesday.

Kerry added: “Will we find common ground and adult leadership or keep piling the science on a shelf to collect dust?”
Rep. Edward Markey (D-Mass.) also flagged the NOAA report Wednesday. “The hottest year on record is a difficult fact to deny,” said Markey, the top Democrat on the Natural Resources Committee.

“This is another warning siren that should serve as a wake-up call to Congress to take action to reduce dangerous carbon pollution and create clean energy jobs that reduce the impacts of climate change,” he said.

1 comment:

DCON said...

Gosh, what would we do without those darned Democrats. They just know everything.