Tuesday, January 11, 2011

'Everything dead by tomorrow!' warns Zoological Society of London – Telegraph Blogs
The Zoological Society of London has drawn up a hit list of the 10 attractive coral species most likely to die quite soon. Well, of course it has. Nothing suits the ZSL’s spirit of misanthropy and catastrophism better than another mournful litany of all the species loss which is bound to occur as a result of mankind’s ongoing crime of having the temerity to exist.
Sports Illustrated - Wrong on Auburn, Wrong on Global Warming | GlobalWarming.org
Undefeated Auburn beat Oregon to win the BCS championship last night, yet Sports Illustrated magazine failed to include Auburn in its Preseason top 25. Believe it or not, this was far from SI’s silliest error in recent years. The magazine was even further off the mark with its March 12, 2007 cover story on global warming.

Yes, SI devoted an entire story to global warming, and in particular its impact on sports.
“CIA Vet” Kent Clizbe stalks hockey stick’s Mike Mann « Climate Progress
A self-proclaimed counter-terrorism expert and former CIA case worker is soliciting for “whistleblowers” who will make allegations of impropriety against Dr. Michael Mann, director of Penn State’s Earth System Science Center and author of the apparently bulletproof Hockey Stick climate reconstruction.


vanderleun said...

Just a note to say how in awe I am when I look at the work you are doing here. I don't even begin to understand how you can put out such a continuous stream of pointers and news about the environment. "Tom Nelson" is an amazing resource. Keep it up.

Anonymous said...


I agree 100% with vanderleun.

Keep up the great work!