Saturday, January 15, 2011

[In case you missed it]: Yes, Virginia, you do have to produce those 'Global Warming' documents | The Examiner | Op Eds | Washington Examiner
Importantly, also under FOIA in late 2009, the pressure group Greenpeace sought, and was promised, e-mails and other materials of Patrick Michaels, who also formerly worked in the same university department.

While the university proceeded to compile the material for Greenpeace, one of us, Virginia Del. Bob Marshall, R-Prince William, thought to ask for records relating to Michaels' former colleague, Mann. Oddly, the university informed Marshall that such records no longer existed because Mann had left the department.
Climate Realist Makes Focus Magazine’s Top 100 Influential Germans
The latest press release from the Helmholtz Institute, in Geestacht, Germany features Professor Hans von Storch and reports that he has been placed on the List Of The Top 100 Influential Germans by FOCUS magazine, who have dubbed him “The Climate Realist”.
Why are gays more eco-friendly? | Grist
A recent poll says gays and lesbians are more likely to support the environment, especially when voting or shopping, and a bigger percentage say they care about sustainability.

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