Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Likelihood of major flooding on ND river rises
Deputy Fargo Mayor Tim Mahoney said he was not surprised by the new figures.

"Everybody knows we've had 19 days of snow in a row. We've been shoveling every night," he said.
The sceptical meteorologist who laughed last | Herald Sun Andrew Bolt Blog
The fame of Piers Corbyn spreads. He thanks his refusal to believe the climate models that the warmists rely upon.

Corbyn from 8.40 mocks the warmists who predicted endless drought, and now must watch as Queensland is under water.
Report: December's Cold Weather Hurt Fla. Oranges - ABC News
Researchers from the United States Department of Agriculture released a report Tuesday finding that freezing and near-freezing temperatures affected one-third of Florida's early orange crop varieties and nearly half of the midseason crop.
How much can we really trust climate models to tell us about the future? | Environment | guardian.co.uk
The temperature, for example, is likely to rise anywhere from 1.8 C to 6.4 C (3.2 F to 11.5 F), while sea level could increase by as little as 7 inches or by as much as 23 — or anywhere in between.

It all sounds appallingly vague, and the fact that it's all based on computer models probably doesn't reassure the general public all that much. For many people, "model" is just another way of saying "not the real world."

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