Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Why Don’t Americans “Believe” in Global Warming? Snobbery of Climate Change Advocates » Secondhand Smoke | A First Things Blog
The Economist has a column about why we Americans haven’t jumped with both feet onto the global warming panic. The writer, E.G. (no bylines in TE, which I like), lists some items. His list leaves out some crucial points, such as the unattractiveness of the hysteria angle, the dire predictions that have already proven false, the loss of credibility from Climategate, the changing terminology, Al Gore!, and that the proposed cures, the common sense tells Americans understand, could well be worse than the supposed disease.

But part–a small part, but still a part–of the skepticism that exists is the perception that many of the those who promote global warming tend to look down their noses at “the folks.”

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