Sunday, March 13, 2011

American Thinker: Good bye, Kyoto
[Fred Singer] On the scientific front, it behooves us to demonstrate to all concerned that the conclusion of the IPCC about anthropogenic global warming is not based on any credible evidence. Future generations will thank us for this service: "skeptics" now labeled "deniers," "traitors," "criminals," and worse, will become the "realists" who correctly recognized Global Warming as a non-problem and saved our economy from going down the drain.
Oceans warming or cooling?
So what is going on? All explanations are probably moot but an obvious possibility is that the upper layers are most affected by surface temperatures and that recent cooler temperatures have cooled them more than the lower layers. And the lower levels reflect the two decades or so up to about the year 2000 when temperatures were warmer.
Climate Common Sense: Nissan Leaf Range Problems!
Electric cars have introduced a new term" range anxiety" to the world of motoring because the splendid automotive technology available today has been subverted by politics. The result is the modern electric car which couples an impressively engineered electric vehicle to a completely inadequate battery technology.There was never any point in manufacturing electric vehicles until the battery problem was solved.
Warning Signs: Global Warming, R.I.P.
The global warming corpse is not quite dead, but dead enough for now. The question is what new fraud will the United Nations and environmental organizations perpetrate? The “acidification” of the world’s oceans? “Species extinction” or “Invasive species”? Be assured, the UN mafia is at work on something.

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