Friday, March 18, 2011

American Thinker: The Warmist Cult
In a similar manner, the global warmist cult has its false prophets as well. George Soros-sponsored climatologist James Hansen leads with the prediction that we only have two more years before it will be too late to save the world from a fiery fate. I would be more inclined to take him seriously if he hadn't previously made a number of erroneous apocalyptic pronouncements. In the mid-1980's he confidently proclaimed that the Earth would be 2 to 4 degrees warmer by 2010 and New York City highways would be under water.
Leading global warming proponent and climate scientist Phil Jones (co-creator of the infamous "hockey stick" graph used by Al Gore in his infamous fiction film "An Inconvenient Truth") revealed that he destroyed the original raw data that supported the global warming hypothesis, making it impossible to review or verify his findings.
It's becoming apparent as the facts are revealed that this is a cult with a suicide pact. And all of us are expected to drink the Kool-aid with them. We need to end this dangerous farce now.
2007: Is Global Warming Alarmist James Hansen a Shill for George Soros? |
The claims against anthropogenic global warming skeptics are often the same: they're all shills for big oil or other industry wishing to poke holes in the 'consensus theory' of global warming (which isn't a consensus at all). Under the so-called "politicization of science" program, George Soros' (the favorite fundraiser of many democrats) has reportedly given as much as $720,000 to Hansen to help package his alarmist claims and get them pushed by the mainstream media
‘Green Jobs’: Another Broken Window Fallacy (Henry Hazlitt speaks to us today) — MasterResource

The IPCC, 1990: “Detection of the Greenhouse Effect in Observations” – at odds with the 1988 Senate testimony of Dr. James Hansen? | Watts Up With That?
Mind you, this is only 10 years after the fiercely cold North American Winter of 77-78 in which ideas of another ice age were being bandied about in scientific and media circles.

Maybe, giving the benefit of the doubt, they are talking about different things, but there seems to be a significant profound confidence gap between Dr. Hansen’s testimony and that of the IPCC working group 1 on the ability to discern “global warming” in the surface temperature record. The disparity is striking due to the similarity of wording.

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