Sunday, March 13, 2011

Carbon tax will be a long debate: Combet
It will take a long debate to convince the public of the benefits of a carbon tax plan, the government admits, as the coalition vows to take its current climate change policy to the next election.

Responding to a poll showing the electorate's growing disquiet with the government's carbon price plan, Climate Minister Greg Combet said: "It's very early days".
Mr Combet admitted households would be financially worse off, but he said any rise in living costs would be "modest".
Heat's on for carbon debate
TONY ABBOTT says he is running a ''truth campaign'' on the lies that underpin the government's appallingly managed policy to introduce an interim carbon tax next July.
Dyson on Heresy, Climate Change, and Science | EconTalk | Library of Economics and Liberty
[66-minute audio] Freeman Dyson of the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton talks with EconTalk host Russ Roberts about science, his career, and the future. Dyson argues for the importance of what he calls heresy--challenging the scientific dogmas of the day. Dyson argues that our knowledge of climate science is incomplete and that too many scientists treat it as if it were totally understood.

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