Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Greenpeace leader Naidoo outlines anti-global warming strategies | 89.3 KPCC
As congressional leaders challenge the federal Environmental Protection Agency's ability to regulate greenhouse gases, advocates of policies to combat global warming are seeking other venues in which to argue their cause. One of those activists is South African-born Kumi Naidoo - the head of Greenpeace International. Not long ago, KPCC's Molly Peterson sat down with Naidoo when he visited Los Angeles.

In the Netherlands, where he lives, Kumi Naidoo rarely drives.
"I have many questions, really, about the quality of the democracy in the United States and what this debate actually says about it, because we have to look at why so many politicians, in the one-to-one conversations with organizations like Greenpeace and other environmental organizations, will concede that we are right. But, for example, the campaign, the 'Clean Coal' campaign, that's just a fiction."
Naidoo is new to environmental activism. Until a year-and-a-half ago, he was best known as a civil rights organizer during South Africa's apartheid era.

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