Saturday, March 12, 2011

Left-winger compares climate realists to Charlie Sheen and deranged gunmen

Charlie Sheen, our mirror
His outlandish behavior and, at times, incoherent rage are symptomatic of the culture at large.

This is true whether one is a frustrated, despondent soul, such as Sheen apparently is; a furious Tea Partier; a “birther’’; a bitter but hard-working wage-earner who sees no connection between Wall Street and Main Street; one of the tragically high numbers of the misinformed decrying protective regulation and consistently voting against their own best interests; climate reactionaries mistrusting modern science and refusing to acknowledge the reality and dangers of climate change;... or a deranged gunman firing away at the innocent.

Some may accuse me of hyperbole, but I believe that there is a common thread here: an insidious and dangerous paranoia resulting from people having no clue what is responsible for the complex problems before them or who the actual enemy is.

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