Friday, March 11, 2011

March Temperatures Continue Their Record Plummet | Real Science
Last year Hansen pulled a huge March spike out of his hat. Can he do it again in 2011?
A Fine Spring Day In Unfrozen Greenland And Antarctica | Real Science
Mid-day temperatures range from -57F in the center of the ice sheet, all the way up to 20F on the tropical southern coast.
The other ice sheet is also melting down faster than expected, at -70F
Chevy Bets on High Gas Prices - By Greg Pollowitz - Planet Gore - National Review Online
Stupid. Nobody who worries about gas prices is going to plunk down this much money on a Volt when cars with similar m.p.g. numbers can be had for half the cost. I don’t see how they ever sell 120,000 per year, unless we see some sort of mandate by the Feds to buy electric cars for their own fleets, which is entirely possible — and a waste of taxpayer money.
Dr Nadelhoffer, I’m Not Impressed « NoFrakkingConsensus
Actually, sir, the scientific method is not partisan. But human beings frequently are. And those who dress-up their personal worldview as non-partisan science deserve to be scorned.

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