Thursday, March 24, 2011

The New Nostradamus of the North: EU chief climate alarmist: Wind power is "very, very cheap"
as usual, Hedegaard does not know what she is talking about.
Maltese politician Caroline Galea on Climategate: same story, year after year « Shub Niggurath Climate
The same story, year after year

This is self-plagiarism at its most blatant, crudest form.What we have here is instructive: a prominent national-level politician, dismissing and bashing ‘climate sceptics’ – a supposed monolithic group, of which she clearly has no understanding of her own. What is more: she is a government representative, employing self-plagiarized blocks of text to accomplish this on two widely-read newspaper outlets.
England expects every Scot to do their duty | ScottishSceptic
Chris Huhne is back on the bandwagon proclaiming Scotland’s renewable “industry” as “mission critical” to England achieving its global warming targets. Too true.

Of course Scotland is mission critical because scamming the Scots has been a key part of this policy from the beginning; the way Scottish has allowed Scotland to be yet again fleeced on energy policy makes my blood boil, hence the nationalist rant … even though I’m a unionist, but sometimes nationalists do have a point.
Energy sucking illuminated wind turbine may be torn down to make way for a coal loader | Watts Up With That?
The Kooragang Island wind turbine has stood at the Newcastle Port Corporation since 1997. Anyone want to place bets on whether environmentalists will chain themselves to it like a tree about to be cut down?

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