Thursday, March 10, 2011

The New Nostradamus of the North: New Study: Spiders adapt to global warming (quite like humans)
A new study shows that spiders are able to adapt to global warming. This is, of course, evident even without any new studies. There has been "climate change" for millions of years, and both flora and fauna have ajdusted, some better, some not quite as well. Even if there would be some degree of human induced global warming - which remains to be proven - homo sapiens would be able to adjust. One can only hope that the new spider study will make some of the most ardent believers in the catasthropic global warming religion start thinking about the possibility of human adaptation: "Yes, we can, if the spiders can". That would already be a step forward ....
Hansen Describes 2010 As A La Nina Year | Real Science
Hansen is an honorable man, so how could we question his claim that the 2010 El Nino spike is actually a La Nina dip – but what will he say about 2011?
Why I’m not worried about Greenland’s icecap | Watts Up With That?
It goes to demonstrate that we really don’t understand ice sheet mechanics well enough yet to make accurate forecasts, though some people think we can.

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