Sunday, March 13, 2011

Newsweek: "Jairam Ramesh is the global rock star of climate change"

Why India Might Save the Planet - Newsweek
Jairam Ramesh is the global rock star of climate change. But is the battle he’s fighting at home good for his country?
In Cancún Ramesh proved himself an international power broker, a star among the world’s climate warriors.
Catastrophic global warming would be especially disastrous for India, which is dependent on consistent monsoon rains and on Himalayan glaciers for almost all of its food production and drinking water.   [Question:  Don't a lot of the world's people somehow produce sufficient food and drinking water without access to "consistent monsoon rains and Himalayan glaciers"?].
But while his work on climate change has put Ramesh in the international spotlight, in India his impact is most immediately evident in the castrated business deals left in his wake.

1 comment:

SBVOR said...

To answer the inserted question...
Well, yes, of course. But, that might require building reservoirs and such. The eco-nuts view all such things as "unnatural" and therefore prohibited. They prefer for Gaia to provide (until she doesn't). And, when she doesn't, it must surely be man's fault -- they would say man has sinned against a wrathful Gaia. Actually, they already say that.