Monday, March 21, 2011

Obama's USDA to blow another $60 million on global warming hoax -
The federal government is investing $60 million in three major studies on the effects of climate change on crops and forests to help ensure farmers and foresters can continue producing food and timber while trying to limit the impact of a changing environment.
"What the climatologists have predicted is that the areas that were at one time wet will in fact be dry and hot, not wet and cool," Beachy said as an example. "If that's correct, then we need to have varieties of crops that will grow in those areas and are adaptable to the changes in the climate. So really it comes down to if we don't do this, we may have some food shortages in certain kinds of foods."

The corn project will be led by a rural sociologist, Lois Wright Morton of Iowa State University.
A fair number of farmers are skeptical of the idea that human activities cause climate change, but Martin said he'd tell them the research is still worthwhile.

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