Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Osborne tosses £3bn gift to the green elite • The Register
Actually, we've been here before, but not for several hundred years. It isn't new to have a small elite in society that rips up the rules to suit itself, and that makes heavy, continuing demands on the poor to ensure its wealth, without fear of criticism. Almost every country had one, once. This was a feudal nobility, and when they were challenged, they would make a very interesting defence.
Ontario’s eco-fee hangover « The Daily Bayonet
You could argue the $8.6 million is for services rendered, but why are taxpayers being asked to reimburse an industry-funded group up to $10 million for losses made after a green-washing scam was scrapped?
Twitter / @Kristie Lu Stout CNN
After the break, we go live to Catlin Ice Base in the Arctic with @pcousteau to survey climate change damage. #NScnn

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