Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Guardian : Trapped Heat From CO2 Is Freezing Peru | Real Science
The first symptom of excess heat is of course extreme cold. Bring your parka to Death Valley next summer.
Shrinking Sea Ice In Antarctica Killing Penguins | Real Science
Antarctic ice, which has hit record highs in recent years, is decreasing and increasing simultaneously.
C3: IPCC Climate Scientists Predicted Less Snow, Less Vegetation & Bigger Deserts - China's Climate Does Opposite
The IPCC has claimed that semi-arid and desert areas will become hotter and drier because of global warming, thus making areas less hospitable to vegetation causing deserts to enlarge. Amazingly (Not!), the blanket IPCC claim is another failed prediction as scientists in China have confirmed.
Llamas Rescue Fish In Cumbria From Climate Models | Real Science
Emergency rescue from anticipated warming.

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