Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Northwest Carbon Pricing Conference — Sightline Daily
What do Rex Tillerson (CEO, Exxon Mobil), Michael Bloomberg, James Hansen, and T. Boone Pickens have in common? They all support carbon pricing. Come learn more about carbon pricing in this one-day conference.
Lorne Gunter: Former politicians plotting to sell climate-change scare | Full Comment | National Post
I have for years fought the suggestion that global warming theory is a hoax and a conspiracy, preferring instead to believe it is the product of well-intentioned, but nonetheless mistaken mindset among lefty academics who find it easy to believe that man-made industrial emissions are threatening the planet.

But as more and more proof comes out about the cloaked activities of environmental lobbyists and politicians, it becomes harder and harder to deny a conspiracy exists.
What is the carbon footprint of the royal wedding? - Telegraph
The international event will generate 6,765 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents (CO2e), 12 times the annual emissions from the London palace or 1,230 times the annual emissions of the average UK household.

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