Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Warmist Revkin admits that he knew last year about problems with highly-publicized, peer-reviewed plankton alarmism, but he failed to write about it

On Plankton, Warming and Whiplash - NYTimes.com
I held off writing about the finding last year because, after I sent it out to a batch of marine scientists for reactions, they expressed deep reservations about several aspects of the research. I didn’t want readers here to suffer from whiplash journalism (or science).
I shared a batch of such reactions with the authors of the Nature paper and Boyce graciously sent a detailed reply. I should have posted on the exchange at the time, but better late than never.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If the Boyce paper had instead downplayed climate effects, do you think Revkin would have chosen to keep the doubts about the paper quiet? Of course not. But Revkin claims he only kept quiet to prevent 'whip-lash journalism'. Pull the other one Andy; it's got bell on.