Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Crocker: 2nd Coldest April Ever - Spokane
It was a 2nd place finish in a race most Inland Northwesterners wanted to avoid. Spokane was just one degree away from clinching the record for the coldest April in history.
George Monbiot – The Lost World
All of us in the environment movement, in other words – whether we propose accomodation, radical downsizing or collapse – are lost. None of us yet has a convincing account of how humanity can get out of this mess. None of our chosen solutions break the atomising, planet-wrecking project. I hope that by laying out the problem I can encourage us to address it more logically, to abandon magical thinking and to recognise the contradictions we confront. But even that could be a tall order.
Big Green Spent More, But Still Lost
As someone who has been engaged in the global warming debate for over a decade, the conclusion that the cap-and-traders had more money than their opponents is not at all surprising. In fact, it is obvious and recognized by everyone who has been paying attention.
- Bishop Hill blog - Climate catastrophe deja vu
Now, in an eerie echo of the learned Sir John, we have the words of Robert Stavins, the head of Harvard's Environmental Economics program
It’s unlikely that the U.S. is going to take serious action on climate change until there are observable, dramatic events, almost catastrophic in nature, that drive public opinion and drive the political process in that direction

1 comment:

cleanwater said...

A satire
The great danger of increasing CO2 and the every dangerous methane!

With ever increasing concentration of CO2 and Methane (CH4) in the atmosphere we are in a death spiral to wildly increasing temperatures that will allow the farmers in Georgia to plant two crops of rice and many crops of carrots each season. The concentration of CO2 has gone from a mire value of 320ppm to the unthinkable value of 390 ppm. This tremendous increase has caused a tremendous temperature increase of o.6 degree F over 100 years. We are in great danger. Children will die of heat strokes walking to school. The old will die from insufficient Oxygen. They loose consciousness and grasp for breath until they succumb.
This fairy-tale is what the “green world “want you to believe. This is not the end , this is only the beginning. The next chapter is that Methane that is released from the bottom of the ocean, lakes, streams, rice patties, under every pile of wet leaves, every compost pile, every garbage land fills, the tundra of Alaska, Canada, Russia ,where ever there is anaerobic bacterial action. Now with all these sources there are only 3 to 4 parts per billion and there is no data that this value is increasing. There are fantasies that if the global temperature increases there will be great releases of Methane from the tundra. What has happened to all the methane that has been released over the last million years?
Robert Howarth, the Cornell scientist(?), has the intelligence of a pond frog. There is no creditable experimental data that proves that the “greenhouse gas effect” It is a fairy-tale.
Now this does not matter as Dr.R.H has met the woman of his dreams. A fair young co-ed that is just as unintelligent as he is, an active member of the Sierra Club and Greenpeace, a proponent of the “STOP coal generator power plants”
When Dr. H.R. kissed the young innocent unintelligent maiden they both turn into pond frogs. They were so happy that their “carbon foot print” reduced to almost zero. They hoped off to swim in the nearest scum covered pond where they disturbed the sludge in the bottom to release CO2 and Methane (Ch4)

Their great love for the environment leads them to be the flower children for the Pied Pipers of Gorezillaism and Promoter of the Fairy-tale of “greenhouse gas effect”
Now this is a fairy-tale.
The disaster is that 90 % of the world has swallowed this Fairy-tale hook line and sinker. They are willing to put the financial system of their countries into total bankruptcy. That bleeding heart do gooders are willing to send all their saving to the Sierra Club, Greenpeace, World Wildlife Federation, to save the world and the polar bears that have increased in population by 25 to 30% in the last 10 years instead of becoming extinct.
The extent of these frauds and the ignorance of people is illustrated by the Bernard Madoff ponzie schemes and so many other fraud we learn about everyday sometimes every hour.
Mann- made global warming and the “greenhouse gas effect” has been shown by physics and thermodynamics to be unreal but the general public has been so convinced by liars like AL Gore –the Pied Piper of Gorezillaism, Michael Mann, James E. Hansen, Joe Romm, Lisa Jackson, the UN IPCC, Barrack Obuma, Naomi Oreskes and dr. Steve Chu and many, many, others that they will go to their graves still believing in the Super lie!!

The fact that astrophysicist are showing by real data that we are going into an ICE Age will not have any effect.
As P.T Barnum and Bernard Madoff said There's a Sucker Born Every Minute"
It is now the moral duty of the Royal Knights of the Round table and the Joan s of Arc of the Holy Land of Skeptics to take up their Swords of Physics and the Shield of Thermodynamics to Destroy the Sky Dragoon and rescue the children of Hamlin and the World from the mind destroying Pied Pipers of Gorezillaism.
The Super Hero’s of the Twentieth Century must join the fight for fact and and truth.