Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Earliest Cold Weather In Australia Since 1970 | Real Science

- Bishop Hill blog - The conference - a summary
I was struck by the stony faces from the AGW subscriber side when Vaclav Klaus made some jokes in his talk. I think that, despite what they say, they are very much of the left. Perhaps they just don't realise it.
- Bishop Hill blog - Conference on the Science and Economics of Climate Change - cartooned by Josh
The nine fascinating lectures from Phil Jones, Andrew Watson, John Mitchell, Michael Lockwood, Henrik Svensmark, Nils-Axel Morner, Ian Plimer, Vaclav Klaus and Nigel Lawson are summarised visually here.
- Bishop Hill blog - Royal Society summer show
Not may be warming the planet, but are warming the planet. Blimey. As readers here know, we have no idea if the warming we've seen is even statistically significant.Yet here is the Royal Society proclaiming that we're definitely warming and its carbon dioxide that's doing it. Not a hint of a doubt.

With a trailer this careless with the uncertainties, the exhibit itself should be something else.
Wind’s Political Trouble in Ontario (Secretive Samsung deal at issue) — MasterResource
Ontario received an early Christmas present yesterday with the announcement by Progressive Conservative Opposition Leader Tim Hudak that if elected, his government will cancel the $7 billion Samsung deal (Canadian) and revisit hydro deals. Such would negate the FIT (Feed In Tariff) programs that fill the coffers of developers at the expense of power users, large and small.

The Samsung deal, in particular, was privately honed and constructed to give Korean business opportunities a fine edge in getting power to the grid, as well as more business incentives in construction for solar and wind turbines.

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