Thursday, May 26, 2011

NPR blogger hears sirens; counts that as evidence that carbon dioxide is dangerous

What Motivates Climate Change Deniers? : Ursula Goodenough : NPR
So here's what I don't get: What motivates a denier? If you are a denier-reader of this blog, what motivates you? I'm not asking for more URLs – we already have plenty of those on file. I'm asking about intent.

I know what motivates my position: the sirens, the polar-bear pictures, the IPCC reports, fear for my grandchildren's future. What motivates the denial?
About '13.7: Cosmos And Culture' : 13.7: Cosmos And Culture : NPR
Ursula Goodenough is a professor of biology at Washington University, where she teaches cell biology and molecular evolution.
Goodenough's avocation is an exploration of the religious potential of our scientific understandings of nature, generating a book, The Sacred Depths of Nature (Oxford), and long-term participation in the Institute on Religion in an Age of Science.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You have it perfectly. You're motivated by polar bear pictures.

I'm motivated by polar bear facts. There were 5,000 polar bears in 1970, in 2010 there are over 25,000 polar bears. Their population is exploding. Polar bears have lived through times in the past when the temperature was much higher. Some polar bears can swim hundreds of miles. Any objective reading of those facts leads to the conclusion that polar bears are in no danger.

Yet, you see a picture of a polar bear on an small ice bear and think that is scientific proof of some terrible fate. Denials deal with rational science. You react to emotions. That's the difference.