Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Spring mule deer survey complete | The Jamestown Sun | Jamestown, North Dakota
Three years of harsh winter conditions have increased adult mortality and reduced production. The last two years have resulted in the two lowest production rates ever documented, and biologists expect this year’s production to be similarly low.
Only In Climate Science Can You Play With a Broken Hockey Stick
Facts proving humans are not causing global warming are not enough to stop the political juggernaut. Perhaps exposure of collusion among a small group of self-proclaimed climate scientists who continue to play with a broken stick will stop the madness forcing destructive economic policies.
Computer Models: The Bane of Modern Society
Why wasn’t he challenged? How are the IPCC getting away with their deceptions and failed models? Bartholomew and Goode provide the answer succinctly in this paragraph on mass hysteria:
Mike Keefe climate cartoon « Climate Progress
“Looks like Greenland’s arrived earlier than expected” — from the winner of the 2011 Pulitzer Prize for Editorial Cartooning

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