Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Al Gore's Ugly Rhetoric Is Nothing New - David Harsanyi - Townhall Conservative
Forget that the populations of Brazil and India and a number of other nations continue to grow and life continues to improve. Forget that our own standard of living steadily increases while our population steadily grows. Forget the never-ending ingenuity and development of mankind -- especially anything that has to do with fossil fuels. For Gore, people are parasites, millions of little environmental disasters. And when a man embraces debunked 19th-century notions rather than empirical evidence, well, surely another Nobel Prize is in order.
Did ExxonMobil break its promise to stop funding climate deniers? | Grist
ExxonMobil spokesman Alan Jeffers accused Greenpeace of "peddling this discredited conspiracy theory" about its support for climate deniers. He maintained that the company stopped funding Soon in 2009. "We made a decision to discontinue funding groups whose positions on climate change weren't very constructive. It was distracting," said Jeffers. "The issue of climate change is so important, it shouldn't be distracted by the type of things Greenpeace does," Jeffers said.
Papantonio: Climate Change Deniers Watching The World Burn | Ring Of Fire Radio: Robert Kennedy Jr, Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder
Mike Papantonio talks about why we should be concerned about the weather, and even more concerned about the climate change deniers, with author Paul Loeb.
Why the insurance industry gets climate change | The Nelson Daily
Symptomatic of climate change deniers driving the Beltway discussion, the Washington Post recently relegated global warming to "second-tier issue" status

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