Saturday, June 18, 2011

The IPCC declares Greenpeace in our time - Telegraph
Truly, this infatuation with the chimera of wind power ranks alongside the creation of the collapsing euro as one of the supreme follies of our age. It is, of course, delightful that Dr Pachauri's latest effort should coincide with those warnings from an array of US scientists that the current dramatic decline in solar activity might herald the approach of a "mini-ice age". But as the great global warming scare continues to fade away, the real problem is that our politicians have so much collective ego invested in this delusion that, even when hell freezes over, they will still find it impossible to admit they got it wrong.
Jeremy Clarkson's words of wisdom - 18th June 2011 The Sun | Climate Realists
My heater will save us from extinction
We cannot have a double standard when it comes to enforcing our laws. We must punish those responsible for breaking the law or take the law off the books.

The wind farms who have had admitted killings of eagles must be prosecuted for killing endangered species.
Madness on sea: A massive windfarm is being built off one of our most glorious coastlines and threatens an ecological disaster by Richard Pendlebury | Climate Realists

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