Thursday, June 16, 2011

» Landrith: Obama’s Energy Promise Commentary
Carbon dioxide is not a pollutant.

The reason, Obama and his EPA hate carbon dioxide is that it, along with oxygen, water vapor and the rest of our Earth’s atmosphere create a “blanket” around the Earth that moderates the world’s climate. They theorize if we have “too much” carbon dioxide in the atmosphere the “blanket “ will be too warm and the Earth will heat up. The problem is the evidence is weak and the recent climate-gate scandal revealed that scientists promoting climate change were less than open and honest about their data and the evidence.

There is no good reason to use manipulated climate data as a pretext to shackle our economy and impose a huge stealth tax on every single American. Yet that is precisely what Obama is trying to do. What makes it even worse is that while Obama is proceeding with misguided, ineffective and costly regulations, many in Europe are backing off of such regulations because after almost a decade, they have been revealed to be a complete failure.
Climate change panel in hot water again over 'biased' energy report - Climate Change, Environment - The Independent
John Sauven, executive director of Greenpeace UK, said: "Exxon, Chevron and the French nuclear operator EDF also contribute to the IPCC, so to paint this expert UN body as a wing of Greenpeace is preposterous." But Mark Lynas, a climate change writer in favour of using nuclear and renewables to combat global warming, said: "It is stretching credibility for the IPCC to suggest that a richer world with two billion more people will use less energy in 2050. Campaigners should not be employed as lead authors in IPCC reports."
Quadrant Online - A Dozen Global Warming Slogans
how is it possible that hypothetical dangerous warming remains one of the most potent political issues in the world, and certainly so in Australia at the moment?

The answer is, first, that a significant part of that $100 billion was spent encouraging virtually every lobby and interest group in Western societies to invent ways in which they could benefit from global warming alarmism—and none more so than the numerous climate research groups that cluster around the supercomputer laboratories, spawning endless virtual realities of the climate world as it might, or might not, be in a hundred years time.

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