Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Open letter from Australian warmists | Australian Climate Madness
Do you know what would be really refreshing? If some of the signatories actually took the time to invite a respected "sceptic" like Bob Carter or Richard Lindzen to discuss his concerns about the IPCC position. But they won't because they are afraid of what they might hear. Much easier to ignore the real issues and carry on smearing sceptics than to actually engage in proper scientific debate.
The Reference Frame: Tornado CO2 propaganda
What's important is that if you avoid this insane hype about every interesting weather event and look at all possible weather events statistically, there is not a glimpse of a significant trend. The number of tornadoes is not increasing. The number of hurricanes is not increasing. The same thing applies to floods, typhoons, droughts, and all other local phenomena of this kind. Those people won't ever admit that everything they have said in the previous years about entering an era without snow in winter, entering an era with Katrinas every year, and so on, and so on, have been pure, shitty, and malicious lies. They don't care. They don't want to care. They're immoral scum.
[Here's an idea:  Let's tell innocent children that they can prevent bad weather by eating certain foods]
The Climate Change group is initiating a program called Taking a Healthy Bite Out of Climate Change, which encourages buying locally grown, organic food as a way to reduce the carbon footprint of the dinner plate.

“Our pitch is for urgent action. Climate change affects all other issues,” Armstrong said. “The best place to start is at schools.”

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