Wednesday, June 08, 2011

The UN Vs. Gaia « The Daily Bayonet
The UN and member nations can argue all they like about how much or how little warming they want, Gaia gonna do what Gaia gonna do.

Christiana Figueres can demand whatever she wants, it’s all hubris. She may as well tell the tides to stop or issue a stern warning to Icelandic volcanoes to stop erupting. It’ll have the same effect.

Enormous natural forces control climate, not a trace gas essential to life on Earth. Oh, and that giant ball of fire in the sky probably has a lot to do with it too. Anyone who tells you different just needs something funded.
Climate Resistance » All Watched Over by Monbiot
The urgency with which the climate issue is forced up the political agenda comes at the expense of environmental ideology being either understood or tested. Monbiot’s ravings epitomise this state of affairs. His argument is both inconsistent, and incoherent. He vacillates between arguments that he finds necessary one moment, but uncomfortable the next. The spectacle really is like the environmental movement in microcosm: riven through with contradiction, it tears itself apart. Dare to point out the problem, and rather than be offered a better, more coherent account, you will be guilty of the most heinous crimes: to wish death on the world, to deny truth itself, and worst of all, to be motivated by better-formulated ideas about the world than he has. Until he works out that he represents simultaneously the worst of the establishment and ‘radical’ environmentalism, Monbiot’s scribbling will continue to serve as useful insight into the twisted, crisis-ridden logic of both.
No More Jersey Shore: Leaving Our Children a World Without Beaches — Thanks to Warming-Driven Sea Level Rise | ThinkProgress
JR: On our current emissions path, by the second half of the century, most major sea-side beaches will either become a walled, beachless “resorts” or, more likely, abandoned entirely

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