BBC News - Global warming lull down to China's coal growth
Lead researcher Robert Kaufmann from Boston University, whose research interests span climate change and world oil markets, said the study was inspired by "sceptical" questioning.Carbon Credits Billionaire to Strip Mine the Arctic. | hauntingthelibrary
"Two years ago, I gave a talk to a general audience in New Jersey about climate change," he told BBC News.
"And an older gentleman asked me 'why should I believe in this climate change - I was watching Fox News and they said the Earth's temperature hasn't changed in 10 years and has actually gone down'.
"At that stage I wasn't paying much attention to climate change - I'd returned to working on oil markets - so I went back and checked the data and found that was just about right."
So, in the name of tackling global warming, European taxpayers have paid literally billions whilst losing jobs and tax revenue, production has moved to a lower wage country with an awful lot of the product being shipped back to where it was made, and now the the recipient of this money is strip-mining the Arctic to get at the ore there and there’s nothing climate campaigners in the West can do about it, as the factories are all in India and other countries which have made it quite clear they have no intention of imposing any restrictions on their manufacturing base.Tory MEPs to defy David Cameron in EU emissions vote | Environment |
Does this make any sense to anyone? Anyone at all?
Conservative MEPs are expected to reject a 30% emissions reduction target, saying it is bad for business and for the environment
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