Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Climate Change Capital calls off £61m wind farm purchase from SSE - 20 Jul 2011
Scottish and Southern Energy's (SSE) hopes of selling its stake in a Scottish wind farm for £61.3m have been dashed after the buyer cancelled the sale, citing global economic conditions.
Drovers CattleNetwork - Commentary: Meat grower’s guide to hogwash and B.S.
Susie, like a lot of trendy food writers, quickly grabs the sensational tidbits of misinformation spewed out by the anti-meat crowd, such as: “We need big change fast: The latest studies estimate that our current system of intensive livestock farming is responsible for 51 percent of greenhouse gases.” Fifty-one percent? Susie, have you ever been fishing? Because that’s a whopper.
Climate Common Sense: Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it.
Julia Gillard ,swanning around a wind farm today would do well to heed the words of George Santayana and instead of holding green-bankrupted Spain up as an example check her facts. The ambitious wind and solar experiment in Spain has been an unmitigated disaster and one which Australia should not emulate.

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